Why Is training needed everywhere?

May 14, 2011

American Institute of english language, KOTA

May 12, 2011

etiquette and manners

May 10, 2011


  1. 1Public sector is more a hindrance than help to promote socialism..Economic betterment of the poorer nations is as important as disarmament to ensure lasting world peace..From public sector to privatization as in the U.K., is the right answer for India's instant economic breakthrough.
  2. .Nuclear war cannot be won and should not be fought.
  3. .Private enterprise and not public sector 

  4. .Inflation is inevitable in our developing country.

  5. .The policy of reservation 

  6. 12.Do you think MBAs are useful in the manufacturing / production department?

    16.Cricket as a national obsession is a detriment to other sports.
    17.To develop India has to empower women.

    19.Advertising is a waste of resources.
    20.Privatization will lead to less corruption.

    22.There can never be a classless society.

    25.Joint family is a blessing in disguise.

    28.Women cannot successfully combine both career and home.
    29.Women are good managers.
    30.Executive should be allowed to form unions.
    31.Effect of liberalization on poverty.
    32.Indians perform better as individuals rather than in groups.
    33.Business and ethics go hand in hand, or do they?
    34.Developing countries should spend more on development than on defense.
    35.Political parties have outlived their utility.
    36.Is Swadeshi relevant for India today?
    37.Money is required to earn more money.
    38.Foreign trade is necessary for any country to survive .
    39.Presidential Vs Parliamentary form of government of India.

    41.Religion And Politics Should Not Mix

    44.Excessive Depiction Of Sex And Violence In Films

    48.State Interventions In Market Kind Or Mixed Economy
    49.Science Is A Boon Or Bane

    51.India and the political dynasties: The Nehru Family context
    52.Nice Guys Finish Last

    54.Individual Freedom And Civil Society

    56.Should There Be A Restriction On Permissiveness Being propagated by The MTV Culture And Foreign Media?

    58.The Growing Menace Of Casteism And Regionalism
    59.Presidential Form Of Government Is Needed In India
    60.Bullet For Bullet: Is It The Right Policy?

    62.Arranged Marriages Are Better Than The Love-Marriages
    63.Brain-Drain Has To Be Stopped
    64.Business And Ethics Can't / Don't Go Together
    65.Are women As good as Men Or Inferior?
    66.Nothing Succeeds Like Success

    69.Should India Break Diplomatic Ties With Pakistan?
    70.Age and Youth: Experience And Young Talent

    73.Capital Punishment Should Be Abolished
    74.Tuitions Should Be Banned

    77.Universal Disarmament Is A Must

GD Tips

GD Tips
  1. Initiation Techniques
  2. Body of the group discussion
  3. Summarization/ Conclusion
Initiation Techniques
  • Initiating a GD is a high profit-high loss strategy.
    When you initiate a GD, you not only grab the opportunity to speak, you also grab the attention of the examiner and your fellow candidates.

    If you can make a favourable first impression with your content and communication skills after you initiate a GD, it will help you sail through the discussion.

    But if you initiate a GD and stammer/ stutter/ quote wrong facts and figures, the damage might be irreparable.

    If you initiate a GD impeccably but don't speak much after that, it gives the impression that you started the GD for the sake of starting it or getting those initial kitty of points earmarked for an initiator!

    When you start a GD, you are responsible for putting it into the right perspective or framework. So initiate one only if you have in-depth knowledge about the topic at hand.
Body of the group discussion
  • Different techniques to initiate a GD and make a good first impression:
    i. Quotes
    ii. Definition
    iii. Question
    iv. Shock statement
    v. Facts, figures and statistics
    vi. Short story
    vii. General statement

    i. Quotes
    Quotes are an effective way of initiating a GD.

    If the topic of a GD is: Should the Censor Board be abolished?, you could start with a quote like, 'Hidden apples are always sweet'.

    For a GD topic like, Customer is King, you could quote Sam (Wall-mart) Walton's famous saying, 'There is only one boss: the customer. And he can fire everybody in the company -- from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else.'

    ii. Definition

    Start a GD by defining the topic or an important term in the topic.

    For example, if the topic of the GD is Advertising is a Diplomatic Way of Telling a Lie, why not start the GD by defining advertising as, 'Any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or services through mass media like newspapers, magazines, television or radio by an identified sponsor'?

    For a topic like The Malthusian Economic Prophecy is no longer relevant, you could start by explaining the definition of the Malthusian Economic Prophecy.

    iii. Question

    Asking a question is an impact way of starting a GD.

    It does not signify asking a question to any of the candidates in a GD so as to hamper the flow. It implies asking a question, and answering it yourself.

    Any question that might hamper the flow of a GD or insult a participant or play devil's advocate must be discouraged.

    Questions that promote a flow of ideas are always appreciated.

    For a topic like, Should India go to war with Pakistan, you could start by asking, 'What does war bring to the people of a nation? We have had four clashes with Pakistan. The pertinent question is: what have we achieved?'

    iv. Shock statement

    Initiating a GD with a shocking statement is the best way to grab immediate attention and put forth your point.

    If a GD topic is, The Impact of Population on the Indian Economy, you could start with, 'At the centre of the Indian capital stands a population clock that ticks away relentlessly. It tracks 33 births a minute, 2,000 an hour, 48,000 a day. Which calculates to about 12 million every year. That is roughly the size of Australia. As a current political slogan puts it, 'Nothing's impossible when 1 billion Indians work together'.'

    v. Facts, figures and statistics

    If you decide to initiate your GD with facts, figure and statistics, make sure to quote them accurately.

    Approximation is allowed in macro level figures, but micro level figures need to be correct and accurate.

    For example, you can say, approximately 70 per cent of the Indian population stays in rural areas (macro figures, approximation allowed).

    But you cannot say 30 states of India instead of 28 (micro figures, no approximations).

    Stating wrong facts works to your disadvantage.

    For a GD topic like, China, a Rising Tiger, you could start with, 'In 1983, when China was still in its initial stages of reform and opening up, China's real use of Foreign Direct Investment only stood at $636 million. China actually utilized $60 billion of FID in 2004, which is almost 100 times that of its 1983 statistics."

    vi. Short story

    Use a short story in a GD topic like, Attitude is Everything.

    This can be initiated with, 'A child once asked a balloon vendor, who was selling helium gas-filled balloons, whether a blue-colored balloon will go as high in the sky as a green-colored balloon. The balloon vendor told the child, it is not the color of the balloon but what is inside it that makes it go high.'

    vii. General statement

    Use a general statement to put the GD in proper perspective.

    For example, if the topic is, Should Sonia Gandhi be the prime minister of India?, you could start by saying, 'Before jumping to conclusions like, 'Yes, Sonia Gandhi should be', or 'No, Sonia Gandhi should not be', let's first find out the qualities one needs to be a a good prime minister of India. Then we can compare these qualities with those that Mrs. Gandhi possesses. This will help us reach the conclusion in a more objective and effective manner.'
Summarization/ Conclusion
  • Most GD do not really have conclusions. A conclusion is where the whole group decides in favor or against the topic.
  • But every GD is summarized. You can summaries what the group has discussed in the GD in a nutshell.

    Keep the following points in mind while summarizing a discussion:
  1. Avoid raising new points.
  2. Avoid stating only your viewpoint.
  3. Avoid dwelling only on one aspect of the GD.
  4. Keep it brief and concise.
  5. It must incorporate all the important points that came out during the GD.
  6. If the examiner asks you to summaries a GD, it means the GD has come to an end.
  7. Do not add anything once the GD has been summarized.


May 9, 2011

greeting people

group discussion [G.D.]

Group discussion is an integral part of the selection procedure followed by reputed B-Schools in India and abroad. GD or Group Discussion is generally a formal discussion session where ten to twelve candidates participate to discuss on a given topic. This verbal test is conducted to judge various skills and qualities of the candidates. If you wish to join any of the reputed B-Schools in future then you need to qualify the group discussion session. Here are some group discussion tips that would help you come out with flying colors.

Group Discussion Tips
The job of the examiners present there in the session is to keep an eye on the proceedings and judge the abilities of the candidates as well. Unlike the examiners, your duty is to impress the panel members with your excellent group discussion skills. 

Here are some basic tips that would help you do well in the group discussion session.

  1. Try to keep your calm and never shout at the top of your voice. You should also see to the fact that the group is hearing your ideas. You will have to bring out your chance to speak and also let others speak.

  1. You will have to be assertive to make a mark in the group discussion session.

  1. Try to practice GD sessions as much as possible at home with friends or family members before appearing for the final round. This would help you earn confidence.

  1. You will have to make a meaningful contribution and for that prior preparation is quite essential. You should be a good communicator and well aware of the current affairs.

  1. Candidates with good reasoning ability are sure to get through the verbal test.

  1. You need to be flexible and open to ideas put forward by other participants.

  1. New ideas by participants are highly appreciated by the panel members. So it won’t be a bad idea to present your new ideas and perspectives.